„The Other Side of the Euro: What Role for European Citizenship?“ – Prof. Giovanni Moro
Department of Education University Roma Tre, visiting professor at the Faculty of Social Sciences, Gregoriana University of Rome, director of think tank FONDACA, Active Citizenship Foundation.
Comments: Prof. Norbert Reich, emer. University of Bremen, former Director of ZERP; Dr. Jochen Tholen, Institut für Arbeit und Wirtschaft, University of Bremen; and Dr. Tatjana Evas, post-doc affiliate CEuS, University of Bremen
Date: November 22nd 2013
Location: EuropaPunktBremen, Haus der Bürgerschaft, Marktplatz
Time: 15:00-18:00
There is a lack of attention by the scientific community, policy makers and the general public regarding non-macroeconomic and non-financial issues of the single currency. Dimensions that link the single currency to EU citizenship-building include cultural, social, everyday-life economic and political aspects, such as the symbols of the banknotes, the system of communication established by the single currency, the euro as a calculation benchmark, or citizenship practices that take place in the European public sphere. Making us aware of this “other side of the coin”, Giovanni Moro presents original insights into the reciprocal influences among the single currency and European citizenship. He illuminates the role of the single currency in shaping European citizenship, and the role of Community citizenship in providing the amount of horizontal trust that enables the working of the single currency.
GIOVANNI MORO is a political sociologist teaching at Roma Tre University and Gregoriana University of Rome. He has published „Manuale di cittadinanza attiva“ (Handbook of Active Citizenship) 1998, „PlusValori. La responsabilità sociale d’impresa“; „Azione civica“ (Civic Action) 2005, „La società civile traeredità e sfide. Rapporto sull’Italia del Civil Society Index“ 2008; „Citizens in Europe” 2012 and „The Single Currency and European Citizenship: Unveiling the Other Side of the Coin“, edited by him 2013. Since 2001 he has served as general secretary of the Italian movement Cittadinanzattiva and he is the founder of its European program Active Citizenship Network.