„Externalisation of EU Migration Policies in a Model of Concentric Circles and Reflections on Turkey in the Syrian Refugee Crisis“ – Sühal Semsit
Celal Bayar University, Turkey
Date: December 7th 2015
Location: University of Bremen, Room SFG 0140
Time: 16:00-18:00
Abstract: The migration management in the EU has been affected both from internal dynamics of Europeanisation and global developments such as 9/11 events in the USA. The terrorist attacks in Paris will be vastly affecting the evolution of internal and external migration policies of the EU and strengthen migration-security nexus in this process.
br> The dynamics of Europeanisation and securitization has resulted in the development of a model of concentric circles in the external migration policies of the EU. The EU externalized its control-oriented migration policies and applied different types of conditionality for different groups of countries such as candidate countries, European Neighbourhood Policy countries and countries such as USA and China.
Relations with Turkey which takes its place as a candidate country in this Model gained momentum in the recent Syrian refugee crisis. Turkey as a country transforming into a country of immigration and transit currently hosts around 2 million Syrian refugees and is also a transit route for Syrian refugees seeking for better living conditions in Europe. The Syrian refugee crisis one of the most challenging crises affecting both the EU and Turkey and requires an effective crisis management with sustainable results.
SÜHAL SEMSIT is an Assistant Professor at Department of Political Science and International Relations at Celal Bayar University, Turkey. She obtained her PhD from the Department of European Union Studies at Dokuz Eylül University with a dissertation on securitization and externalization of EU migration policies and repercussions on Turkey. She holds two MA degrees, one from Dokuz Eylul University on EU Studies and the other from the University of Sussex on Migration Studies. Her research interests include: external relations of the EU, European Neighbourhood Policy, EU migration policies and migration-security nexus, EU-Turkey relations.